Proverbs 31 24

12 Entrepreneur Ideas for the Proverbs 31 Woman

The Proverbs 31 woman was an entrepreneur! She made things and sold them to others. Do you have the entrepreneur itch in you too where you really want to do creative things to earn money? I do! It’s quite popular and easy today for women to have little side businesses and make some money. We have even more opportunities than what there would have been during the time when the Proverbs 31 passage was written. Let’s look at a few facts about the Proverbs 31 woman’s business endeavors in Proverbs 31:24 and explore several ways that you can express your creativity and potentially bring in some money as well!

She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant.

Proverbs 31:24

The Proverbs 31 Woman’s Entrepreneurial Endeavors (Proverbs 31:24)

In this verse we see that the Proverbs 31 woman makes linen to sell. Linen is made of flax, so most likely she made this linen out of the flax that was mentioned in another verse.

She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.

Proverbs 31:13

Most likely the linen that she wove, she also made into linen garments or sheets and sold to the Canaanites. The Proverbs 31 woman also made girdles. There were two kinds of girdles in those days. The common girdles for everyday use were made out of leather. There were also dress girdles that were ornamented. Can you guess what these were made out of? Linen! No wonder that these two products are listed together. Girdles could be very costly and valued as we see in another Scripture passage.

And Joab said unto the man that told him, And, behold, thou sawest him, and why didst thou not smite him there to the ground? and I would have given thee ten shekels of silver, and a girdle.

2 Samuel 18:11

Now let’s look at 12 ideas for you to consider if you are wanting to be an entrepreneur!

Clock, coffee mug, and glasses

1. Blogging

Do you enjoy writing? Blogging is one way that some people turn their love of writing into a business. Of course, it involves more than writing, and there is a technical aspect to it. One good thing about blogging is that you can do it on nearly any topic. Almost anything that you enjoy and are passionate about can be turned into a blog.

A couple of the ways that you can make money through blogging are by creating products to sell and advertising products that you use and enjoy to receive a commission. We’ll talk more about those products you can sell in the next section.

2. Digital Products

This goes right along with the blogging topic, although you can certainly have a store for digital products without having a blog. Do you enjoy designing things on the computer? There are so many products that you can make from planners, to checklists, to how-to books, to coloring books, to stickers, to activity books, to school curriculum.

There are also two kinds of digital products. One is the kind that can be used on a digital device such as a planner you use on your tablet. The other kind is a product you sell as a download and then the person prints out after they download it. Basically, anything that you use in paper form can be created and sold as a digital product, and there are many online platforms where you can sell them.

Sewing supplies and fabric

3. Sewing

Do you enjoy sewing? I know that each of the jobs on this list is not for everyone. But, the list is long enough most of us will probably find something that does fit for us! There is a demand for sewing skills. Some people need things altered and don’t have the skills to do it themselves.

If you make custom-sized items, there is definitely a demand for those! You might could sell your sewing services through word of mouth, or open up a little store online. Either way, needle and thread can be a great way to bring in some money!

Hands embroidering purple flowers

4. Handmade Crafts

This category is very broad. Think about how it applies to you. What crafts can you make? What crafts do you enjoy making? There is a market for almost any kind of craft project. It can take some persistence to find that market, but there are many outlets.

You can set up at craft fairs and flea markets, open an online store, or find a shop where you can rent a booth to sell your crafts. Depending on what you sell, there may be little restaurants, boutiques, or other small businesses that would be willing to sell your goods. Do your research and think about what makes sense for the handmade item you enjoy making.

Sparkling stove

5. Cooking and Baking

Maybe your passion is cooking or baking. Well, you have a pretty broad audience then since we all have to eat! Do you enjoy decorating cakes? Making pastries or homemade bread?

You can actually advertise your little home bakery online and deliver food or have people come pick it up. You might could set up at a farmer’s market or some other event to sell your goods. There are many possibilities!

Purple flowers growing in pots

6. Landscaping and Yard Work

Are you an outdoorsy person who enjoys getting your hands into the dirt? If so, maybe you could advertise your services through word of mouth, an ad in the paper, or a notice in a local business. There are probably older people in your area who would appreciate some help with their yards and flower beds.

My sister and I enjoyed working for a neighbor lady, trimming her plants and helping her with her landscaping. This is more of a local job, but you could also put up an ad online in groups for your area.

Person tutoring student

7. Teaching

From tutoring people in person, to teaching students online, there are many options for teaching these days. I have taught writing to friends around my kitchen table, and taught English to children on the other side of the world through video calls.

If you are interested in teaching, think about skills you have enough knowledge on to teach beginners in that subject. You don’t have to know everything there is to know about it. You just have to know more than your students!

Baby girl on blanket outside looking at cloth book

8. Babysitting

Another job that can be done right in your home is babysitting. Whether you advertise through word of mouth, online, or in other forms, word can get around if this is something you are interested in. This is a job that gives you some flexibility to also work on other things, such as when the children are taking naps.

Both my mom and grandma did babysitting in their homes, and I have friends who have done it as well. It gives you a chance to make a positive impact on children at impressionable ages. If you enjoy children, then this might be a route for you to consider.


9. Writing Books

I would say that none of these jobs I have mentioned are easy money. Truth is, easy money earned the right way is almost non-existent. These jobs aren’t all necessarily hard, but they take patience and perseverance. Writing books is no exception! Not only does it take a lot of time and effort to produce a good quality book and put it on the market, but selling your book also has its challenges.

On the flip side, writing can be very rewarding. Writing down your thoughts can be a blessing to you and to your readers. If you enjoy writing and feel God calling you to it, don’t let the challenges keep you from it!

Red ink pen lying on paper being edited

10. Editing and Proofreading

Are you someone who notices errors when you are reading books and has a good grasp of grammar? Why not put those observations to good use and get paid for them?

There are many places that will hire someone who can proofread or edit for them. You could also just start you own little business and offer your services to others.

Tidy and airy kitchen

11. Cleaning Houses

I have various family and friends who have done this job. If people know that you are offering this service, I think it can be fairly easy to get customers, at least in some areas.

This can also be a part-time job that isn’t very demanding depending on how many customers you get and how often they want you to clean.

Holding an elderly person's hand

12. Caring for the Elderly

I loved my job I had caregiving for an elderly lady who I went to church with. Being able to help the elderly in their time of need is truly a blessing. This is not always an easy job. Everyone you work for might not have a cheerful disposition or be easy to please. But, helping to care for others in this way also has its rewards.

There can also be the blessing of learning from the wisdom of those who have lived longer and have more experience. If God has given you a burden to help the elderly and the weak, then He will give you the strength for whatever He asks you to do. The same is true for any one of these jobs!

Simple Takeaway

  1. The Proverbs 31 woman was an entrepreneur. She made products and sold them.
  2. There are many ways that we can make money today through making things or offering our services.
  3. If you are thinking of starting a business, pray and ask the Lord to show you what He would have you do and give you His strength!

Let’s Chat!

Are you interested in being an entrepreneur like the woman in Proverbs 31:24? Which of these 12 ideas would you like to try? Or is there one you are interested in that didn’t make the list?

Until next time, do all that you do with your whole might for the glory of God!

In Christ,


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  1. Sheila Mukarye says:

    Thank you for the write up. I like crafting things and I have had a few ideas to sell. My greatest challenge is time. I happen to work in a busy hospital and I come home tired and to the home duties. My husband is not employed at the moment and we could use the extra income. Question is how do I make time. I have to read after my patients after work and yet I still want to craft. Sometimes I just end up making one item per week. And thats quite slow..

    1. You’re very welcome, Sheila! I think that often making time for something can be one of the hardest parts of doing it. Don’t be discouraged if you can’t make a lot of crafts quickly. Enjoy the process! I do have a couple of suggestions for finding more time. Take a couple of days and write down everything that you do and how much time you spend doing it. You may be surprised at the some of the places your time is going and see some changes that you can make. Are you finding yourself wasting time doing mindless things that really don’t matter to you instead of investing in your crafts? Make some adjustments! Also, don’t wait until you have a big block of time available to work on your project. If you have even just a few minutes here and there, you may be surprised how they can add up. I think that’s so neat that you are making crafts to sell to help your family! Don’t be weary in well doing!

  2. Thanks for these wonderful ideas, Bethany!

  3. You’re welcome, Lilly! Your waiting paid off. 🙂 I hope that these ideas gave you some inspiration!

  4. Betsy says:

    I’m really enjoying this study. Thanks for all the helpful tips and encouragement! I bake and sell baked goods on the side and do some tutoring as well. I love to craft but am at a point In my life where I have other priorities that limit my crafting time which is fine. I love all the ideas you came up with!

    1. I’m so glad you are enjoying the study, Betsy!! That’s a blessing to hear. Selling baked goods sounds like a really neat (and delicious 🙂 ) way to make money. Baking can be a lot of fun. I’ve done some tutoring as well!
      Yes, it’s completely fine to be at a different place in life and have different priorities! It seems that the Proverbs 31 woman passage is more a timeline of different events in her life rather than her doing everything at one time. I’m so glad you enjoyed the ideas! It’s nice to meet a fellow entrepreneur at heart!!

  5. Rose Angel says:

    so good to read, I pray to the Father in the name of Jesus to reveal to me what exactly does He has for me ……. Amen 🙏
    thanks Bethany God bless you.
    from Africa. 🤍

    1. Amen! As you continue to seek the Lord and follow Him one step at a time as He leads, He will show you! God bless you, Rose!

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