Happy Release Day, Willow!

How are you doing today? Whether things are comfortable in your life or you are going through some really hard things, I hope that you are looking to the Lord and not letting go of hope. No matter what else happens, we do have hope because of HIM!

Speaking of hope, I have an exciting announcement as you probably already saw in the header. The first book in the Hoofbeats of Hope series, Willow, released today! This is a day I’ve long anticipated, and I’m so thankful to the Lord for blessing me with this story and the opportunity to share it with you!

Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah.

Psalm 62:8

1. About the Book

Loss. Desolation. Heartache. Will she ever discover her Best Friend?

For Libby Sutherland, life is starting to feel like one big loss. Loss of health. Loss of family. Loss of friends. She draws joy from the lives of the children in the daycare where she babysits and the horse therapy ranch where she volunteers.

But when her chronic illness takes a dive, even these are threatened. The one place Libby is able to share her grief is with her arms around the neck of her beloved horse, Willow. When Willow is suddenly out of reach, where can Libby turn?

Will she ever learn to confide in Jesus and truly know Him as her Best Friend?

2. Bonuses for Ordering During Release Week

If you order a copy during release week (November 20-27), you can receive special printable goodies that go with the book. All you have to do to get your free goodies is screenshot your receipt and share it with me here along with your name and email address, and I will send them to you! Just what are these special printable goodies? They include bookmarks, stationery, a special 3-D card, and more!

3. What Readers Are Saying

This is more of a slow-paced, slice-of-life type of story, a good place to rest after high-stakes read. I related to Libby in many places. ~ Katja

This was a precious story! I loved the chronic illness representation and spiritual journey Libby went on. As a chronic illness warrior I related so much to Libby’s story. . . I’d like to say that as someone who has POTS or a similar dysautonomia condition I thought the rep along with all the symptoms and situations were so true to life and well done. You can hear the author’s experiences and heart in this story. ~ Cat

The story was very relatable. Definitely recommend it for those looking for a novel with good Christian themes and encouragement as well as an engaging, real-to-life plot and characters! ~ Sophia

Expect to find yourself caring so, so much about Libby and her story…skeptical for her sake, learning to trust along with her, and riding each hard or joy-filled or even harder twist and turn of life. It’s a book that shines real hope and light into the real, hard, sometimes small-feeling (and sometimes drowning-feeling) struggles and suffering of life. Highly recommend this book. ~ Faith

The horse place Hoof Beats of Hope was one of my favourite parts. “ Hoofbeats of Hope, sharing the love of Jesus with children one ride at a time.”was just such a beautiful description and summary of Hoofbeats of Hope and hooked me into reading more. I won’t give too much a way but I’d you’re a horse lover I’m sure you’ll love it too. ~ Arjaye

Interested in purchasing a copy for yourself or a friend? Check out the book page to shop for an e-book or paperback copy.

If you purchase an ebook on my website, you can use the coupon code 10OFF to take 10% off your book price.

Let’s Chat!

     Does this story sound like one you would enjoy?

     Until next time, have a wonderful day!

In Christ,


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  1. Congratulations, Bethany! I’m excited to read Libby’s story!

    1. Thank you so much, Maggie! I hope you enjoy the book!

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