Giveaway and Interview with Libby | Willow Prerelease Post

     Today I have a couple of exciting things to share with you! Lord willing, Willow’s release is just around the corner (November 20, 2023), so let’s celebrate a little while we wait for the special day. How does a giveaway and an interview with the main character sound? Good? Then let’s get to it!

Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah.

Psalm 62:8

Willow book cover. Lady with eyes closes and head leaning against the face of a gray horse.

1. About the Book

Loss. Desolation. Heartache. Will she ever discover her Best Friend?

For Libby Sutherland, life is starting to feel like one big loss. Loss of health. Loss of family. Loss of friends. She draws joy from the lives of the children in the daycare where she babysits and the horse therapy ranch where she volunteers.

But when her chronic illness takes a dive, even these are threatened. The one place Libby is able to share her grief is with her arms around the neck of her beloved horse, Willow. When Willow is suddenly out of reach, where can Libby turn?

Will she ever learn to confide in Jesus and truly know Him as her Best Friend?

Find It On Goodreads

2. Prerelease Day Giveaway for Willow!

I’m giving away a signed paperback copy of Willow to one U.S. participant and an ebook copy to one international participant. There are some things you can do just once to earn points and others you can do once per day, so don’t forget to come back and see how many points you can get!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

3. Interview with Libby

Bethany: Today I have the special privilege of interviewing the main character for Willow, Libby Sutherland. I have several questions for her, and I know she’s nervous about this, so let’s get into it and not keep her waiting. Before we get to the questions, why don’t you tell us a little about yourself, Libby?

Libby: Hi there! I’m excited about this interview, but I hope there aren’t too many people watching right now. I’m glad you’re here though. Anyway, I’m Libby. I should have started by saying that first I guess. I enjoy spending time with my horse, Willow, doing horse therapy with children, writing and journaling, and visiting with my friend, Amanda. I live in a little travel trailer that is decorated in cute western decor. Oh, and I don’t usually talk about this much, especially to strangers, but, well, it’s a big part of my story, and I was told I should probably share it in this interview. I am chronically ill with POTS and Dysautonomia.

Bethany: Thank you for sharing, Libby. I know you didn’t really want to add that last part, but it will help the readers get to know you better. What is your favorite color?

Libby: Oh, good. I get to start with an easy question. Red! I especially like the shade of red of my mom’s enamelware dishes. It’s so cheerful and sometimes makes me smile, even when I’m feeling down.

Bethany: That’s really special that your favorite color also has a meaningful association. If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?

Libby: Just one? I can think of several—a whole list really. I was told before this interview that there’s a book coming out about me and that I have to be careful not to spoil the story. So I’ll just say that I lost someone really close to me not very long ago, and if I could change something, I’d make it so she wouldn’t have gotten sick and we could have had a lot more time together.

Bethany: Where is your happy place?

Libby: With Willow! Whether I’m giving her a big hug, she’s taking me for a ride, or we’re just together as I write, anywhere Willow is would definitely be my happy place.

Bethany: Good answer. Willow is pretty special and such a good girl! Name one person who has had a big impact on your life and tell how they have done so.

Libby: My best friend Amanda. We grew up together, and she has always been there for me, through the happy times and the sad ones. She’s also such an inspiration to me in her close relationship with God.

Bethany: Having a close friend you grow up with and then stay friends with once you’re an adult is such a blessing. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Libby: I have a feeling I’ve already given away the answer to this one. Oops. Anyway, I’m an introvert. I don’t do well in crowds at all. But I do enjoy one-on-one conversations, especially with people I’m close to. I’m also happy for hours on end by myself or just with my horse.

Bethany: It’s just fine. People would probably get the idea you’re an introvert anyway if they were around you a little bit. I don’t think it took long for me to figure that out. How do you feel about being the main character in a book?

Libby: This is a little hard to answer. My first feeling when I found out was mostly surprise. I certainly am not living any grand adventure, and I’m no heroine, so I’m really not sure why I was chosen. Anyway, once I found out a little more about the theme of the story, I guess I was just really humbled even more that I was chosen. I am so slow at learning these things, and I’m sure the writer could have picked someone better for the job since I still have a lot to learn. It does feel funny to think of so many people reading about me, but I won’t see it, so I’m okay with that. Just so people don’t start recognizing me and coming up to talk to me too often.

Bethany: Wow! I don’t think you have to worry about becoming that famous just from this book, Libby. What do you hope will be accomplished by having your story shared with the world?

Libby: I hope that each person who reads the story will be encouraged and draw a little closer to Jesus.

Bethany: Amen! I hope so too. Thank you for letting me interview you today, Libby! You did great.

Let’s Chat!

     Does this story sound like one you would enjoy? Did you like getting acquainted with Libby?

     Until next time, have fun earning points for the giveaway!

In Christ,


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  1. Faith A says:

    Libby sounds like a relatable character that I would love to read about! ❤️

    1. I’m so glad Libby sounds relatable to you, Faith! I hope you get to read her story. Thank you for stopping by!

  2. So excited to see this out! We need more Christian stories about people dealing with chronic illnesses.

    1. Aww, thank you so much, Rebekah! I agree, and I’m thankful to be able to help contribute a story!

  3. Great interview, Bethany and Libby! I’m going to enter the giveaway now and post about it to social media. 🙂

    1. Thank you so much, Lauren! And thank you for helping to spread the word about Willow!

  4. Eeeeh, I’m so excited for this book to be out in the world! I can’t wait to get my own copy. 😀 I loved reading Willow, and I’m super grateful I could get it early. 😉 It was a really good message for me in this chapter of life. 🙂 You did such a great job making a simple-life story interesting to read. <3

    1. Aww, you’re a sweet encourager, Vonnie!! I’m so glad you enjoyed the story and that it was a blessing to you. Thank you so much!

  5. Ooo, exciting! And I really enjoyed the interview and getting to know Libby some more!

    1. Yay!! I’m so glad you enjoyed getting acquainted with Libby a bit more. Thank you, Lily!!

  6. Sounds interesting!

    1. Thank you, Sara!

  7. Anna Grace says:

    I look forward to reading this! I’m always on the lookout for good books with chronically I’ll characters (:

    1. I hope you enjoy it and find it encouraging, Anna Grace!

  8. Hi! I am super excited to see if I can read this book. I love horses and hope to be able to win it!

    1. That’s so fun that the horses attracted your attention, RoRo! Willow the horse is definitely one of my favorite characters in the book. Thank you for commenting!

      1. Thanks! Even if I don’t win then free giveaway, maybe someday I can read it on kindle or something. It sounds like something I would enjoy! 😉

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